Monday, June 17, 2013

Rethinking the Twice-Yearly Dentist Visit


  1. I had a talk with a front desk employee last week about trying harder to be flexible. Systems and protocols are great, but I get so aggravated when a staff member is unable to "think on her feet" for the benefit of the patient and the practice and behaves like a programmed robot. I have been guilty of this in the past. I remember specifically a patient asking me if it was okay if he came once a year for hygiene instead of twice. I tried talking him in to coming twice because that's what we're supposed to do. That's what I was taught in school. That's what everyone says. This particular patient is fine coming once a year. On the other hand, I have found most ortho patients could benefit from possibly 3X/year. I haven't had anyone ask me lately, even with this "news" coming out, but I'll be prepared to answer the patient's question after considering all the circumstances relative to the individual's needs.
    I miss you guys! Except you, Rick! I haven't gotten over the fact you didn't speak to me at my wedding yet. I'll be making that announcement on stage in Scottsdale after we win the tx planning session at the symposium!

  2. I have practices that developed recognition programs to encourage employees to make decisions that benefit both the patient and the practice. As long as those decisions help remove obstacles that negatively impact the value of the dentistry, along with the goal of helping patients receive optimal health. Empowerment of your team is a tough process to implement. It takes lots of coaching and forgiveness to change their behavior. But once in place, patient retention and patient optimal health will benefit.
